Short film "Sharing Hope" becomes "40 Steps Together"

I have been working on a short film/documentary about my 40 Race Challenge and my motivation behind my fundraising. And the film is finally finished!

What's it like to lose a love one to suicide and how does a person overcome such grief? This documentary follows my journey so far as I try to make sense of my grief. Inspired to help others who have lost someone, I've embarked on a mission to complete 40 endurance races in 20 months. I'm fundraising for Grassroots Suicide Prevention, a charity in Brighton who is working to prevent suicide and encouraging real talk about suicide.

Initially the twenty minute documentary was called Sharing Hope but when film maker, Julia Thompson, made the final edits to the film, the title "40 Steps Together" just seemed apt.

Filming 40 Steps together was an unexpected addition to my 40 Race Challenge. When Grassroots put me in touch with the producer, Julia, I really didn’t know what to expect and just thought it would be quick chat and a bit of filming but it turned out to be a big deal! Julia had some pretty involved questions about the loss of my sister and where my motivation for doing the challenge came from. Although some of the filming was difficult for me emotionally, by the end, I really felt like I had been through a journey of understanding what I had been through, what I was doing and where I was going. My mind seemed focused for the first time instead of the confusion that I have felt all around me since Klaire passed away. I’d like to thank Julia for being so understanding and kind. I hope that the film can help others bereaved by the loss of a loved one to suicide.


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