
Showing posts from July, 2018

40 - such a meaningful number

So why 40 events? Well it all just seemed to fit.  Everyone has these milestones in life where bucket lists come to the fore and they always seem to happen when we start nearing the decades.....30, 40, 50 etc! And I am no different. I had such an unbelievable bucket list when I was young. By the time I was 30 I wanted to learn how to fly a helicopter, learn to scuba dive and learn to play polo, to name just a few. The latter two I did actually achieve of which I am rather proud. As time has passed my bucket lists have become a little more down to earth such as to "be happy and content" and to "go on holiday abroad with all of my four children, on a plane" yes, on a plane, which I did this year, hooray! Now I'm nearing 40, the race to achieve things outside of ordinary life is on again.  But this milestone is different. My sister passed away when she was 40 and I am dreading heading closer to this age, not because I'm getting older but because once I turn...

So who's up for an event or two?

Before anyone thinks getting involved in this challenge isn't for them - think again. I want anyone who has the inclination to try something new and fun or even just a mild interest in this challenge or the cause I am raising money for, to join me on one of the challenges or as many challenges as you like. That's why I've picked such a variety of events. Some you can just walk and even bring your dog (Angel's Walk), others are family affairs such as the Santa Inflatable Run and the Brighton Music 5km where kids are welcome (yep even the big kids out there!). Before anyone thinks I'm some sort of race fanatic, think again. I have four children, run a small business full time, I have cellulite and I'm clearly a little bit nuts to even contemplate some of these events! Therein comes the Dorking Nuts Challenge, how could I not take part in that one with a name like that?! I've never done a triathlon, I've never run a half marathon let alone a marathon and ...