Event 6 - Angels Walk
On a cold and fresh Sunday morning we gathered together for Angels Walk which is a walk, skip or run over a 5km or 10km route around Peacehaven, kids and dogs welcome, in aid of the NSPCC. Dawn Paul organises this event annually from Peacehaven Big Park. I am in awe of this lady who puts so much of her time and effort into helping with these kinds of events in the area. If you are into running and charitable work in the area or you have ever run Peacehaven Parkrun then you will know Dawn!
Well, I can honestly say this was the hardest event by far, you know that warning "never work with animals or children".........
My daughter Amelie is what I refer fondly to as a "moaning mini" and boy did we get the best of this today. It took a massive amount of cajoling and quite frankly expert aversion tactics to get Amelie round the first 2km after which she realised that actually this walk thing could be quite fun. Yep mum is always right. Amelie found something to moan about around 4km....I think it was about her sister this time? I forget. For those reading this report, I deserve £1,000 donation just for getting Amelie round the course without going parentally insane! Before anyone asks - kids are perfectly capable of walking this distance, it certainly wasn't the walk she had an issue with, its her need to argue about everything....and breathe. A little tip - its easier to get your kids to run rather than walk...I'll be keeping this in mind when planning my other events! I had no intention of running the 10km route but after walking 5km with Amelie I needed a tension release so my wonderful friend Erin took my family home and I soldiered on to do the 10km unmarked course. I got a bit lost on Telscombe Tye so my strava outline is a bit wiggly but I ended up doing 10.5km in 1hr 5 minutes, not bad. I didn't time the 5km for obvious reasons haha. I didn't even mind the hilly bits?! I was just appreciating the "no kids" time!
Seb was absolute superstar and came first in the 10km run. Passing him whilst he was on 9km and I'd only done about 1km was a bit soul destroying at the time lol!
We got great encouragement from the stewards along the way. Towards the end of the walk the weather took a turn for the worse and the rain and wind was bitter but there's always a silver lining.....a beautiful rainbow was the result. I highly recommend Angels Walk for the great routes and stunning countryside and sea views.
My next challenge is MoRun 5km run along Hove seafront with the kids, watch this space x
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